Find volunteers & members to your farm!

Are you running an urban or small-scale farm and looking for members or want to reach out with an event? Add your farm on Grow Here – a platform and map that brings together the local farming movement. Here you can list your growing association or local farming company and find volunteers, members or customers – and spread your farming courses and events.
Why add your farm or event on the Grow Here map?
At Grow Here, the farming movement is gathered on one map and your farm becomes visible to a wide range of potential members, costumers and visitors. Here you can list your farming initiative, whether it’s a garden association or an urban farming company. Communicate if you are looking for volunteers, members or if you sell your produce. You can also list your events and courses so that it appears in our online calendar.
Your farm becomes searchable on the map and is often seen high up in search engines. Perhaps your farm will be found by someone who otherwise would not have heard of you.
5 reasons to add your farm on the map:
Reach out to your local farming community:
Grow Here reaches out to tens of thousands of local farming enthusiasts every year. Sharing your farm or event is also entirely FREE! Your listing on Grow Here will be like a website in mini format that is visible on the map.
Advertise if you are looking for new members or volunteers:
You will then be seen in search results for those who are looking for volunteer positions or want to become a member of an association, and interested people can contact you through a custom form. Your site on Grow can thus serve as a platform for receiving applications or inquiries.
Do you sell what you grow? Tell people where and how to buy your food!
At Grow, we make it easy to find which local growers sell vegetables. Link to any website and inform about your sales channels. You may be selling weekly CSA vegetable boxes or through a local food node or drop-off site, add the links here.
Advertise your course or event:
Add your event under “my events” and it will appear in Grow Here’s event calendar. Maybe you arrange courses and study visits to spread knowledge, create networks or extra income for your farm. We can help spread the word in our channels and upcoming newsletters.
Inform about your services:
On your farm listing you can let people know about the different services your farm offers. F.ex. you can inform that your farm is open to study visits, that you offer lectures and courses etc.
Pick up your phone and help the movement grow – add your farm today!
How to add your farm? Well, it’s easy. This is how..
Adding your farm or event in 3 steps:
Add a listing
It’s free and easy to add your farm or event as a listing. Create an account or log in to
Click “Add farm” or “Add event” in your profile. Add a short title, text and appropriate pictures.You can also write about your specific services such as where you sell vegetables or work days at the farm. When you add a course or event listing, write the date/time, place and requirements.
We publish your listing and spread the word
We will review and publish your listing and notify you as soon as your farm or event is published. A selection of farms and events are also highlighted in our network and on social media to spread the word about what is happening to our community.
Get in touch with interested growers or customers
When your farm or event is published, growers or customers can send messages with inquiries or applications with a little more information about themselves, education, experience and interests. Then you decide which growers you want to choose. Happy growing!
Below is a link to post farms or events. NOTE: You must be logged in and create an account first for the link to work.
Tillsammansodlingen in Mölndal – one community farm listed on the Grow Here map
What is the difference between farm and land listings?
- When you add a farm listing on Grow, the pink category, you show that your farm is already existing and the listing has more choices – here you can inform about what you grow, opportunities to volunteer or buy vegetables from the farm. If you tick the boxes “Sell produce”, your farm will be visible in the search results when users are looking for farms to buy local food from.
- If you add a land listing area, the green category, you show that you have land to offer or share for others to grow on. If you add a “land” listing, it will be shown in search results for users interested in finding farmable land. If you are an existing farm or have a farm with land that is in search of more people who can grow on site – you may very well list your listing in the “land” category.
Read more about sharing farmable land here in “Landsharing – How does it work?“.
Together we gather the farming movement and make more dreams grow!
Read more about how to map the farming movement in your city in this article
Warm regards,
The Grow Here team