Land sharing – How does it work?

Land sharing is both easy and fun. Maybe you don’t have time or energy to manage your own garden? Why not let someone with great passion for gardening grow beautiful and edible plants there? If you share a garden you may even get a new friend, a bit of the harvest and a nicer view. Read more about growers and landowners who shared a garden via Grow in this article.
Simple to reach hundreds of farming- and food interested people.
No matter what kind of garden or farm you want to share, Grow makes it simple and secure to reach hundreds of farming interested looking for unique gardens to transform into edible oasis, just like yours. By sharing your land and promoting your farm you are also a part of a global movement enabling a transformation into a more fair, healthy and local food system.
Win-win situation
Grow makes a win-win situation possible where you and the grower can agree on terms that suit both of your needs. You can specify your requirements, read about the Growers interests and handle the process of applicants to your garden however you like.
It’s free to advertise your land and farm!
We put a lot of effort in making it as easy as possible for anyone to share their garden. It is therefore totally free to share your land on the Grow. You also have the opportunity to pay a little bit extra to get tailored support, design advice and to join the community to get discounts on garden tools, events and courses. All money are reinvested into supporting your local farmer through the platform and on site. Read more about how you can become a Grow Friend or Grow Pro under and all the benefits connected.
1. Create your listing
It’s free and easy to create a listing on Grow. Describe your garden, what tools you could share and add photos and details. Due to the win-win situation, most people share their garden without any rental cost for the gardener, but it is up to you to come to an agreement that suits both of your needs.
2. Chose a Grower
When you have listed your farm or garden space, farming interested can send you applications with some more information about themselves, education, experience and interests. It is up to you to decide who you would like to farm in your garden.
3. Start growing together!
When you have chosen a Grower you can schedule your first meeting and start growing together. If you want some extra support before starting you as a Grow Pro can contact our garden designers and other supporting partners. The support from Grow dosen’t end by the matchmaking. We have developed an educational part of the platform called Grow Academy that will support you and your Grower to constantly develop your garden skills, knowledge and network.
“Thanks to Grow I have found more than a garden to farm in, I have found friends for life and learned a lot!” – Amanda, Grower at Grow.
“It means a lot for me to be able to let someone else farm on surface that otherwise are just standing for no use at home”. – Christian, villa and garden owner.
Happy Land sharing!