GROW Partners

Thank you Partners
who is and has been involved in supporting the development of the Grow platform. You are a decisive factor for everyone’s opportunity to realize their farming dreams and improved access to local food. A big thank you to our partners in Gothenburg Green World in 2016 who were the first to turn the key to gather Gothenburg’s farming movement – in collaboration with the City of Gothenburg – Environmental Management, Real Estate Office and Gothenburg 2021. Their work and support made the first survey of Gothenburg’s cultivation movement and laid the foundation for GrowGbg. With the support of Business Region Gothenburg and Vinnova for “social innovation” in 2016 and 2017, the idea of a matchmaking platform for sharing land was realized. Since then, the journey has continued and more and more partners have chosen to accompany the journey. Thank you for this!
Do you also want to support Grow? Don’t hesitate to contact us, all kind of support are gratefully received. Below are presented partners who currently contribute annually to the platform’s success.
Sharing city is a three-year funded project (2018-2021) that will facilitate the sharing of services nationally and internationally. The project is done in collaboration with Umeå, Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm. Grow platform is part of the project and has received financial support for development. The project has also entailed support from researchers and specialists to develop the value proposition for users and partners. Read more about the initiative here….
In 2017, a collaboration was started with Higab AB, a real estate company that is part of the city of Gothenburg. Higab works daily to create safe and beautiful places, and takes an important social responsibility to contribute to a sustainable city. A large part of the portfolio of properties are workplaces and industrial buildings with high cultural value. Since 2017, Higab AB is a proud supporter of Grow and offers land for farming. Every year they can include the social and ecological contributions of the crops in the annual report. Read more about Higab AB vision of a more sustainable future here…
An urban farm at Higab AB property designed by the The Foodprint Lab Arkitects och Food Designers.
In 2019, a collaboration began with Garveriet in the Floda. Garveriet is one of Sweden’s most interesting meeting places for food and sustainability, with restaurants and conference rooms, which received the award “Breakthrough of the Year” by White guide 2019 for its unique and ambitious sustainability work on sustainable food. On their properties, the ambition was to grow some of the food for the restaurant, and in the spring of 2019, a number of growers were matched with surfaces both indoors and outdoors. The outdoor environment and the whole, were designed by The Foodprint Lab Architects and Foodsystem Designers. Now it is grown in vertical aeroponic farming towers on the balcony and the restaurant’s visitors can taste herbs and vegetables grown just a few meters from the plate. More outdoor farming is underway and the cultivation will soon take on a new dimension. Read more about the great ambitions of Garveriet here…
Herbed Nordic Aeroponic farming towers on Garveriet.
During spring 2020, Grow was selected for the STAR Impact Launch program led by GU Ventures, among others. The purpose of the program is to support social enterprises with the development of sustainable business models that focus on social benefits. Grow collaborates closely with researchers at the University of Gothenburg and business developers in the program. Read more here..
The Foodprint Lab Architects and Foodsystem Designers is a team of architects, urban planners and engineers who work to co-create unused surfaces into living green. The Foodprint Lab is Sweden’s only architectural firm with professionals in Food Systems Design and assists individuals, property owners and cities with food strategies as well as design and maintenance solutions for roof gardens, pop-up parks and urban gardens. Read more here…
Are you a private or public property developer? Read more here about how Higab AB did to be matched with growers or email [email protected] for a first free meeting.
Do you work in a municipality or county council with food strategies or farming opportunities? Contact us for more information. Maybe a lecture or urban farming safari can be a nice way to inspire colleagues?
Do you work in an architectural office and are curious about how you can contribute to the urban cultivation movement or find cultivated for your projects? Contact us for a first meeting. Or why not book an urban farming safari or lunch lecture?
Do you develop garden products that could make everyday life easier for our community of growers? Do not hesitate to call. We would love to have a conversation about how we can best create value for all parties.
Kontakta oss idag:
Jonathan Naraine is a project leading Architect and Food Systems designer at The Foodprint Lab Architects and works as a contact person in the mediation of land for growers and property owners at Grow. Call Jonathan today: +46 73 430 4050, or email
Victoria Bengtsson is a project leading Urban Planner and Designer of green roofs at The Foodprint Lab architects. She works with marketing and is the contact person at Grow for public authorities and garden companies . Call Victoria today: +46 72 909 02 95 or email