Finding passionate growers – how Higab turned unused land into urban farms

Do you have an area on your property that would benefit from more activity and greenery?
Many property owners daily think about how to create life, greenery and social meeting places between the buildings but do often not have the opportunity to build a permanent park. It is known that greenery is important for the well-being of people, yet greenery is often given a low priority in relation to everything else that needs to be done on the property. In addition, it often requires large administrative costs. In the public sector alone, SEK 6 billion is spent each year on mowing lawns. Do you have an area on your property that would benefit from a little more activity and greenery while also being able to contribute to a better society? Read about how Higab AB was matched with Growers in the city and transformed unused spaces into urban farms.
– I have noticed that there have been less damage since this started. Both at the area of Musikens hus and the neighboring property. Perhaps this is because there are more people moving in the evening and the place feels more secure. – Technician at Higab AB.
Unsafe and grey surface becomes an oasis of biodiversity
In the spring of 2019, Higab AB established three farms on three different properties in their holdings. They were assisted by The Foodprint Lab Architects and Matsystem designer to identify farmable areas based on microclimate factors and movement patterns in the area, among other things.
– Many people are aware that farms add great value. The variety of species contributes to biodiversity and favorable conditions for pollinating insects as well as a natural local cycle, says Agnes Ström Landscape Architect at The Foodprint Lab Architects.
Urban farms activated the property
The effect of farming on the site was evaluated in the fall of 2019 and all the sites were found to have contributed to an increase in plant species. Thanks to increased local food production with almost to 0.5 tonnes of vegetables, CO2 emissions were also able to reduce some transport – but also saved mowing. Growers were also able to witness an experience of greater community and positive by passers and visitors. The presence of growers on site was also considered to contribute to greater security in the area. Before the farm was established, hardly anyone had been staying at the site for a long time and now there are growers on site almost every day during the season, for several hours / day during the high season.
– Many bypasses experience the place very nice. They notice the place just because we’re there … – Grower
– Now it suddenly came alive and we get a completely different interest in this house.
– It is extremely exciting that there are commercial players who want to do business by growing urban near and at the same time offering their products for sale locally. – Johan Karlsson Marketing Manager Higab AB.
Let a Grower take care of your property
Interest in growing and local food has increased, despite that, far from all have access to a garden. Moreover, the colonial areas in many cities have more than 20 years long queue. Grow has hundreds of growers in line for farmable land, whose biggest dreams are to put their green fingers in the soil and contribute to a more sustainable society. By leasing land and establishing a farm, you not only reduce your own maintenance costs and create more life and movement on the site, but you also help someone else to realize their dream. Surveys show that farming on your property is among the top 10 of what people wants to be able to do next to the home. Studies also show that a garden on the property can increase the value by about 13%, which is more than 20 000 euros for a property worth 200 000 euros. Despite these economic benefits, it is after all the community and the increased security that tenants and property owners raise most. Many are also surprised how much food can actually be produced on just 50 square meters of space.
– I want you to bring the whole family with you to see where the vegetables come from and thus connect to the food you eat. ” – Grower
3 simple steps
STEP 1. Book a first free meeting with The Foodprint Lab Architects och Foodsystem Designers. See contact information under or email directly [email protected]
STEP 2. Get connected with someone of Grow platform hundreds Growers. It is also possible to get support with design of the farm to suit the needs of you and the farmer the best. See more references and inspiration.
STEP 3. Establish the farm and let Grow and the Grower fix the rest! You can also chose to get a report of the social, ecological and economical values you have contributed with through the property, to include in the yearly finance report.
Do you also want to connect with growers? Contact Jonathan Naraine today to discuss what would be the best for you. Jonathan Naraine is project leader Architect and Food Systems designer at The Foodprint Lab Architects and works as a contact person in the matchmaking of land for Growers and property owners at Grow.
Call Jonathan today: +46 73 430 4050, or email